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Are You Doing It Unprotected?

Surge Protection and Start Assist are the 2 easiest add-on’s for your home’s air conditioner to protect and prolong it’s life. Get your entire AC system (inside and out) protected with professionally installed and serviced lightning and surge protection NOW for only:  $268 Also add a BOOST to your compressor for easier starting and extended life NOW for only: $132 …

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Why Is My New Air Conditioner Disappointing Me?

7 Reasons New ACs Do Not Perform Buying a new air conditioner can be daunting, knowing these key items can help you prevent disappointment. Ensure the duct system is designed and installed correctly.  Ultimately, in a home, the purpose of an AC is to make us comfortable.  If the duct system is not sized or balanced correctly, the right air will …

How can I make sure I’m hiring the right AC contractor?

Steps To Picking The Right AC Contractor Taking care of a home is one of the hardest things we do in our day to day lives. From the support beams in the roof to the plumbing in the basement, we need to be able to always look for ways to repair our home. So, when it comes to the air …

How can I keep my electric bill down?

Benefits of Having a High Efficiency AC Unit For Your Home These days having an air conditioning unit that isn’t efficient can end up costing you much more than the unit and its services are worth to you and your family. New AC units on the market today are more efficient than ever before. They take less energy to power, …

How can I keep my home cool?

Tips On Keeping Your Home Cool Exercising ways in which to keep your home cooler is very efficient. The more efficient you are in cooling your home, the more money and energy you will save. The tips below provide tips on keeping your home cool. Wait until Evening: Running a clothes dryer, dishwasher, and oven can cause the home to …

Is Your Home Well Insulated?

Sufficient Insulation is Essential to Save Money on Energy Costs this Winter! If you didn’t already know, October is National Energy Awareness Month. Now is the time to get your home ready for the upcoming winter months. Homeowners should make small changes and other things to help save energy, reduce energy waste and save money on electric bills. Although October …

Duct Cleaning

When people think about getting their ducts cleaned, they first need to ask themselves what made them think they need to do it in the first place. Something subconsciously reminded you, a smell, a sneeze or someone else noticed. A temporary solution would be to have someone come to your home and clean your ducts. We have heard of this …

How Can You Eliminate or Keep Mold From Growing in Your Home?

Mold and mildew can be harmful if it is growing in your home. There is no real way to get rid of mold indoors, ultimately the way to control mold is to control moisture. Without moisture the mold or mildew cannot grow. Here are a few tips to help avoid mold and control moisture: Find and fix the source of …

Familiar Problems With Air Conditioning Systems

Just like servicing your car, your air conditioning system needs to be serviced too, just not as often as a vehicle. 93% of all breakdowns can be prevented by having routine maintenance done on your system. This will keep it running well and efficient. Below are a few of the most common problems people experience with their air conditioning system. …